By investing in a pension we believe you’re taking the first important steps towards a more comfortable retirement. And you’ll be taking advantage of significant tax breaks that could help you enjoy a comfortable future.
Pensions simplification, we believe, has made it much easier to understand pensions. However there are still dozens of pension companies.
There are also thousands of funds to choose from in schemes with a variety of confusing names such as SSAS, SIPP, EPP, GPP, SHP… And the list goes on.
Selecting the most appropriate one for your circumstances shouldn’t be left to chance. However, with all that choice AND the bewildering array of names, where do you begin? Should you purchase an annuity? Or should you choose one of the more flexible arrangements?
We are highly qualified to advise on pensions. We'll use our years of experience to guide you through the pensions’ maze. We'll make sure you start saving for your retirement in the most appropriate scheme for your needs. And we’ll help you select the most suitable option when it comes to taking your retirement benefits.
Our service covers all aspects of pension provision and includes setting up:
At retirement the services cover the available options: